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Carroll McKenney Foundation for Public Media, Inc. is grateful for donors to CMF who give voluntarily to financially support the programming vision and mission of this Web-based public media venture in Central Florida.

Please become a Friend of Carroll McKenney

At any amount, your financial contribution to CMF enrolls you for a 12-month period as a Friend of Carroll McKenney.

100% of your tax-deductible contribution directly supports CMF programming and related expenses.

CMF has NO fundraising salaries to cover. NO administrative overhead to fund. NO rent or mortgage payment to service. And absolutely NO salaries to pay. While such limits won’t be the case forever, this still gives you a remarkable opportunity to make an immediate and measurable difference

ALL of your support goes directly to programming. It has immediate returns you will hear.

CMF is so new, so young and so small. Yet, that doesn’t mean CMF has no experience, no focus or no plan.

Are we small? Oh, yes. But we are eager & committed!

CMF is experienced and willing to make the commitment necessary to develop this programming into a unique and sustained Central Florida public media treasure.

Your financial support funds the CMF mission to develop, produce and distribute, via the Internet, downloadable audio podcasts and on-line audio streaming of program content reflecting issues and voices that matter in Central Florida.

We hope you will be proud to support CMF. We are new in purpose, style and scope. Your funds will support a unique form of communication.

Need a bit more assurance and authentication?

Pease review the documents and filings you’ll find on our “transparency” page.

CMF involves you and others in helping shape the steps we take in program planning through our E-Letter, a blog, Twitter, FaceBook.

Look around this Web site to learn of the public media leadership experience and community commitment held by the CMF board of trustees. Look at the decades long experience CMF’s founder has in public media and non-profit fundraising and leadership. And, most importantly, listen to CMF’s programming and review the additional programming plans the trustees have laid for CMF’s future.

Giving Levels

Your tax deductible financial gift in any amount enrolls you for a 12-month period as a Friend of Carroll McKenney.

And if your gift is between $100 to 249, we’ll enroll you at the Contributor level.

Or if your gift is between $250 to $499, we’ll list you in the “Notable” category

Between $500 to $749 you’ll enter the class we call Guardians

At $750 to $999 you’ll be named a Patron

Annually giving $1,000 or more each year qualifies you for one of 3 “Circle” categories…

Giving $1,000 to $2,499, you will be recognized in the Circle of Partners

$2,500 to $4,999 will enroll you in the Leadership Circle

And an annual gift of $5,000 or more, it’s the Founder’s Circle.

The process of giving to CMF is easy.

Either mail your gift or give on-line, safely and securely. CMF will immediately acknowledge your gift via e-mail. In an annual statement sent directly to you, an additional acknowledgment will be provided for certain levels of giving. You may use that statement for income tax purposes. You will also be acknowledged on this page (above, right) in a manner and format we are still perfecting and will post as soon as practical.

More questions? Please contact CMF using any of the methods offered here.

Please, won’t you affirm your pride with your vote of financial support?

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