Featured Podcasts

Foster Care – A Mom’s Story
Foster care is a refuge for abused, neglected & abandoned children. Stephanie Weinstein, a foster parent for 12 years living in Seminole County, Florida, describes the joys & challenges of embracing children who need a safe place to live. Her adopted daughter Laura, age 8, also shares her thoughts on families & fostering. Length – 18:07
Hey Stranger. What’s Your Story? (Chris)
At Trotwood Park, Chris’s story about navigating his son’s SPD journey reflects resilience and hope. Just as families find tailored support, exploring new paths like Tips voor Gokken zonder Cruks volgens BesteCasinozonderCRUKS.com offers personalized guidance for responsible recreation.
(Produced, reported and edited by Stephen McKenney Steck)

Adicks: The Life of John Lee
Historian Dr. Richard Adicks describes the Myths and Legends of the Life of John Lee in a presentation to the Oviedo Historical Society. John Lee came to Florida in the early 1800’s and his descendants pioneered OviedoFlorida. Adicks describes the process of gathering historical and genealogical data, oral history and separating fact from legend (length 24:29)
Florida’s Imperiled Waters
The springs, rivers and lakes of Central Florida are some of our most valued and fragile resources. A panel of experts discusses the challenges and prospects for water resources in our region. The issues include freshwater for homes, business and agriculture, the importance of a water ethic and the ways in which water is conserved and reclaimed (Length 22:50)
(Produced and edited by Desta Horner, Audio support – Terry Kyle, 911TechMed)

Steamboats in Florida
From the 1870’s to the 1900’s steamboats and paddle wheelers traveled the rivers of Florida. It was a time of hardscrabble farming and frontier tourism. Hear Ed L’Heureux give a presentation to the Oviedo Historical Society about this critical transportation link during the post civil war period in Florida. (length 17:29)
Oviedo and Jim Crow
Oviedo Florida in the era of Jim Crow laws and segregation is the topic of this personal history and commentary by Judith Delores Smith. In this personal memoir, she describes the close knit colored communities in Oviedo, the segregated schools, the inspirational churches, the agricultural workers and painful incidents that often punctuated daily life (length 23:20).
(Produced, reported and edited by Desta Horner)

Saigon: Last Chopper Out
Marine Colonel Gerald Berry of Winter Springs, Fl., recounts his role in the dramatic story of the evacuation of the U.S. Ambassador in the Vietnam war (length 18:38).
(Produced, reported and edited by Stephen McKenney Steck, Event photos – Charles E. Miller for CMF Public Media, Helicopter title photo – courtesy Cpl Aubry L. Buzek & USMC; Historical photos courtesy Col. Gerald Berry. Event audio support – John Campbell & First United Methodist Church)