Hear a panel of Central Florida black media professionals, a community activist and a crisis management consultant to the city of Sanford discuss and answer audience questions about local media coverage of the death of Trayvon Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman and its effect on the Sanford community length – 40:33.
The forum is conceived and hosted by the Central Florida Association of Black Journalists and held Saturday, August 11, 2012 in the sanctuary of Sanford’s New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church. It is moderated by association president, Daralene Jones, a reporter for WFTV/Channel 9.
Media panel members are Jennifer Bisram, a reporter for Fox 35 News, and Mark Russell, editor, of the Orlando Sentinel newspaper. Also on the panel is Francis Oliver, a Sanford area community activist, and Susan Vernon-Devlin, director of public relations for Massey Communications, speaking in her role as a crisis management consultant to the city of Sanford.
Principal Participants
Daralene Jones
forum moderator, CFABJ president, and reporter WFTV/Channel 9
Central Florida Association of Black Journalists web page | Facebook page
Susan Vernon-Devlin
director, public relations, Massey Communications and crisis management consultant to the city of Sanford
Francis Oliver
community activist
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Extended Interview
Trayvon Martin – Media Forum
Length – 1:21:50
Thanks for telling this story. The story was compassionate,encouraging and motivating. The facilitators were gently,but fair,firm and positive. There were no political statements but a manifestation of the awewness that there is a need and the need can be met. We must keep talking.
Strangely the CENTRAL FLORIDA BLACK JOURNALIST ASSOCIATION has closed all the comments sections on their Facebook page.So I will comment here.
The case of Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman has all the signals of a GOVERNMENT BLACK OPS MILITARY OPERATION.From the gavel to gavel television coverage to the verdict to start a RACIAL CIVIL WAR.
Want to know more?
Read about it on my page.
Jimmy Shine