Welcome to the second edition of Viewpoint Seminole, a monthly podcast from CMF Public Media featuring a panel of Seminole County voices sharing their viewpoints about current issues confronting our local governments, school board, our state legislators, and institutions and people in the news who shape life in Seminole County…for better or worse.
Panelists will also offer a brief “shout out” and a “call out” on other issues of their choosing and they look around the corner noting imminent local issues they will be monitoring over the next month.
This edition of Viewpoint Seminole was recorded on Friday, March 8, 2013. It was edited by the moderator for brevity and focus. The views and opinions expressed on Viewpoint Seminole are those of the panelists.
Viewpoint Seminole Panel
Steve Barnes
Former chairman, Democratic Party of Seminole County
Jeanne Morris
President, League of Women Voters of Seminole County, former Seminole County school board chair and member
Randy Morris
Business and public affairs consultant, RM Strategies
Judith Smith
Native of Sanford Florida and a third generation resident of Oviedo
Stephen McKenney Steck
Moderator for CMF Public Media
Click Here for Roster of all Viewpoint Seminole panel members
Each month, CMF will offer Viewpoint Seminole as a forum for civil and informative local commentary from a panel of credible local voices that have a stake in Seminole County. Each month we’ll call upon the panel’s experience and insight and listen as they offer their “point of view” on the politics, policy, people and consequences that affect those of us who embrace life in Seminole County.
Photographs of the panel taken during their discussion are presented below in an on-line slide show.
You may email a link to this feature to those you know who have an interest in the issues discussed. Use the “share” option below. And “reply” below to CMF Public Media with your comments about this feature, adding suggestions about issues you believe worthy of future discussion by panel members.
Previous Viewpoint Seminole CMF Podcasts
- Viewpoint Seminole inaugural edition (02/08/13)
Issues: 1) Governor Rick Scot’s education budget proposal to the legislature; 2) reaction to the pending rezoning of elementary schools; 3) and a proposal being considered by Seminole County government to amend a rural land use zone in the eastern portion of the county. Panel: Steve Barnes, John Bush, Michael Hoover and Jeanne Morris
CMF takes care to recruit and impanel members who are local to the area. Though still in formation, the full group of 12 members, when viewed as a whole will reflect a broad array of ethnicity, age, gender and life style. As a whole, the group will reflect a perceived level of current or former community involvement, life experiences and familiarity with broad community issues and standards.
CMF also takes care to avoid or disclose a panelist with known conflicts of interest relative to the issue being addressed. Excluded from participation as a panel member are current members of local media and currently serving elected or government-appointed officials.
Viewpoint Seminole panel members participate voluntarily and without financial compensation from CMF as does the CMF producer/moderator.