Voices on the Street: MLK Remembered

The 2009 Martin Luther King Day Parade gave Oviedo, Florida residents an opportunity to celebrate the civil rights leader’s achievements and to cheer and applaud the 34 groups who marched. Both marchers and watchers share their feelings about the holiday in their own words. Feature length – 06:30
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Voices on the Street: If I were a candidate…
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Voices on the Street – City Elections

“Democracy is cumbersome, slow and inefficient, but in due time, the voice of the people will be heard and their latent wisdom will prevail.” Given the upcoming city elections, it seems appropriate to put this unattributed quote to a test with voices recorded randomly on a recent Saturday morning at the Oviedo Shopping Center. Feature length – 05:09
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Voices on the Street: School Days & Constitution Day
09/17/09 Excerpts, Central Florida Matters, Podcast | Tags: Education, Government, History, Living, Opinion & Commentary, Voices on the Street

A sound montage offering an audible journey into the First Days of School (03:32) and a civics test for Constitution (04:45).
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